04 February 2018
'Communicating Mathematics' With Lynda WhiteLynda White is responsible for setting up the "Communicating Mathematics" module. We caught up with her to learn more about the importance of this topic.
Read more28 January 2018
Mathematics Support In Higher EducationMany students start university with a low opinion of mathematics and an even lower opinion of their mathematical abilities. Mathematics support sets out to seek to remedy both these issues.
Read more24 January 2018
Core MathsCore Maths: The most important initiative in post 16 mathematics education in a generation?
Read more21 January 2018
Greenwich Maths Time IMA Festival 2017The University of Greenwich's Department of Mathematical Sciences hosted the two-day IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications
Read more16 January 2018
Maths Hubs: A National Mathematical Education InitiativeSimon Mazumder is the Maths Hub Lead for North West One Maths Hub. Here, he describes the purpose of Maths Hubs and how they can benefit not only the larger mathematical community, but also individual colleagues in their own professional development journey.
Read more12 January 2018
Applying For Your First Job As A Maths TeacherBeing a Maths Scholar will give you lots to include in your application. This article provides some top tips to help you with the application process.
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