This is where you will find answers to the most common questions about the Mathematics Teacher Training Scholarships. We have grouped the questions into sections entitled: Eligibility, Teacher training; Scholarship Funding and Applying. If you have any questions please submit them and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.

What qualifications do I need?
You need to have achieved, or be predicted to achieve, at least a 2(i) honours degree. If your degree classification is lower but you hold a PhD or Masters qualification or confirmed equivalent you will also be eligible as they equate to a First and a 2(i) respectively.
Do I need a maths degree to apply for a Scholarship?
No, however, you will either need a degree with a strong mathematical content, or have extensive mathematical professional experience, or you have undertaken (or are undertaking) a Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) course in Mathematics of at least 20 weeks in duration. This will be discussed with you on an individual basis regarding your degree's match and suitability.
I have a degree with strong mathematical content, but I am undertaking an SKE course of less than 20 weeks. Can I still apply?
Yes, as you meet the requirement of having a degree with strong mathematical content the duration of your SKE course can be of any duration.
Can I apply if I have a 2:2 degree classification?
Yes, you are welcome to apply but you need to demonstrate significant relevant experience.
I have a 2:2 degree classification and the application criteria say that I 'may also be eligible if you bring significant relevant experience' that we approve. What does 'significant relevant experience' mean?
We will consider applications from those that have a 2:2 degree classification where there is strong evidence of subject knowledge together with either more advanced study or some relevant experience, such as mathematical professional or teaching experience and/or experience of working with young people. What is deemed 'relevant' will be at the discretion of the Maths Scholarships Team.
What types of 'advanced study' are you looking for?
If you have a 2:2 degree classification, then we are looking for evidence that you have achieved the minimum level of education (2:1) that we require successful Scholars to have. Examples of advanced study include a relevant Masters degree or PhD.
My overseas degree is comparable to a ‘Bachelor degree’. Is this eligible?
We only accept degrees that are equivalent to a UK degree with honours.
Can I apply if I live overseas?
To be eligible for the scholarship you must; be eligible for student finance and meet the bursary eligibility criteria set out in the Department for Education (DfE) bursary guidance.
If you are classed as an international student, then you are not eligible to apply.
Part of the eligibility criteria is that you must be eligible for student finance. What does this mean?
To be eligible for a Maths Scholarship, you must be entitled to student support under the Student Finance England criteria. Residents of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will need to be entitled for support as set out by your country’s student finance body (Student Finance Wales, Student Awards Agency Scotland or Student Finance NI).
To check your eligibility, please contact
Student Finance England. There’s a different process for checking your eligibility if you’re a student from
Wales, or
Northern Ireland. Contact the education authority if you live in the Channel Islands (
Jersey and
Guernsey) or
Isle of Man.
I’m an Irish national. Am I eligible to apply?
Irish nationals living in the UK or Republic of Ireland will continue to be eligible providing they meet the eligibility criteria for Student Finance England, as your right to study and access benefits and services under the
Common Travel Area arrangement will continue on a reciprocal basis. To check your eligibility, please contact
Student Finance England.
I'm am an EU national. Am I eligible to apply?
EU nationals resident in the UK before the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020,
and who qualify for pre-settled status or settled status under the
EU Settlement Scheme, will continue to be eligible for home fee status, student financial support and ITT bursaries/scholarships on a similar basis to domestic students, subject to meeting the usual residence requirements. You can contact Student Finance England to check if you are an your eligible to receive grants and loans towards tuition fees or living costs according to
Student Finance England criteria.
What’s the difference between the Scholarship Criteria and what you are looking for at the initial application stage?
At the initial application stage, we are looking for the minimum an individual is required to meet at that stage. As you are not required to have secured a place on an eligible ITT course when you apply to the Maths Scholarships, it is not a mandatory component at the initial application stage. We confirm that an individual has a place on an eligible ITT course before the new academic year begins, to ensure that they meet the Scholarship criteria in full.
I'm already doing my teacher training, can I apply?
Maths Scholarships are only available for those who commence their teacher training in the academic year 2025/26. If you have already started your teaching training in the current academic year then you are not eligible to apply.

Teacher Training
Do I need to already have an offer of a PGCE place?
You do not need to already have your teacher training place organised to apply for the Maths Scholarship, but by September 2025 you must have secured your training place on an eligible secondary mathematics PGCE or unsalaried School Direct course in England for the 2025/26 academic year which leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). The decision for entry onto a PGCE course will be made by the teacher training provider. If you are offered a Maths Scholarship but unsuccessful in securing a place on an eligible PGCE or School Direct course by September 2025 the Scholarship offer will be withdrawn.
However, if you apply to the Maths Scholarships for a third, or more, recruitment year, then you will be asked to provide a copy of your confirmation of place letter from your ITT provider before your application is processed. The copy of the letter provided must be an official document, i.e. on letter headed paper.
Can I apply if I apply for the School Direct Training Programme (salaried) course?
A School Direct salaried student would not be entitled to a Scholarship, as they are employed rather than in training.
I am planning on applying to Teach First to teach Maths, does this qualify me for the Scholarship?
Those undertaking Teach First are not eligible to apply for a Scholarship.
I'm on the Future Teaching Scholars programme. Am I eligible to apply?
For an ITT trainee to be eligible to receive a Maths Scholarship, the trainee must meet the eligibility criteria in the DfE’s Initial teacher training bursaries funding manual. In particular, a trainee must not be undertaking paid teaching work when in receipt of the bursary nor simultaneously be undertaking any other ITT course, training scheme or programme that leads to QTS.
As a Future Teaching Scholar you will be earning as you learn, being paid on the unqualified teacher scale during your ITT year, and on an alternative programme leading to QTS. Therefore, an individual undertaking the Future Teaching Scholars programme is not eligible to apply for a Maths Scholarship.
Does the Maths Scholarships arrange my teacher training course?
No, you must arrange your secondary mathematics teacher training place yourself by applying through the DfE's
Apply for teacher training service and receive an offer before starting in September 2025. You can apply for a Maths Scholarship at any time in this process.
Can I do my teacher training part time and still receive the Scholarship?
You are still eligible for the same Scholarship, but the payments will be spread out throughout your training period. Please note that, if awarded a Maths Scholarships and you are undertaking a part-time ITT course, invitations to CPD events will only be made during your first year of your ITT course.
What PGCEs are eligible?
Eligible PGCEs are those that contain at least 50% mathematics, are a DfE funded ITT place, are in England, and lead to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Is a Physics with Mathematics initial teacher training course eligible for the Maths Scholarship?
Individuals undertaking this the Physics with Mathematics ITT course may be eligible for either an Institute of Physics (IOP) or Maths Scholarship, depending on the subject balance on their course. If, as is the case with the majority, Physics comprises over 50% of the course then candidates will not be eligible for the Maths Scholarship and should apply to the IOP instead. Candidates should only apply for a Maths Scholarship if the course content contains over 50% Mathematics. As the assessment process for both Scholarship schemes is different, it is not possible to transfer a Maths Scholarship to the IoP scheme or vice versa.
My course leads to Qualified Teacher of Learning and Skills (QTLS), is this an eligible course for a Scholarship?
Courses which lead to Qualified Teacher of Learning and Skills (QTLS) are not eligible for a Maths Scholarship as QTLS is a Further Education qualification. The bursaries from the DfE and the Scholarships are for secondary phase training only, i.e. ITT courses that lead to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
I want to do my initial teacher training outside England, can I still apply?
The Maths Scholarships are run in partnership with the DfE, which has responsibility for teacher training in England only. Therefore, the Maths Scholarships are only available for eligible initial teacher training programmes in England. If you are considering a teacher training course in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland, this responsibility has been devolved to the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland Governments respectively. For information about teacher training in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, please see:
Teach In Scotland,
Educators Wales or
Department for Education (Northern Ireland).
I'm a non-UK citizen and would like to train to teach in England. What do I need to know?
Find out what you’ll need to train to teach in England, including information about qualifications, visas and immigration, and financial support in the DfE's Train to teach in England if you’re a non-UK citizen
Train to teach in England if you’re a non-UK citizen guidance.

Scholarship Funding
How much is the Scholarship worth?
The Scholarship will provide a £31K tax-free bursary in your training year. There is also considerable value in the additional benefits that you will receive.
How will I be paid my Scholarship?
All DfE scholarship payments are made to you via your Training Provider, rather than the Maths Scholarships. More information about how the Scholarship is paid can be found on the Get into Teaching website. If you have any further questions relating to payments, please speak to your ITT provider. The Maths Scholarships Team only administers the non-financial benefits that are offered as part of the Maths Scholarship.
Will I also receive the government bursary?
If you are awarded a Mathematics Scholarship it will be instead of the government's training bursary, you will not be eligible for both.
Can I use the Maths Scholarship to cover my tuition fees?
Scholarship payments are paid in exactly the same way as a non-Scholar receives their bursary payments, in ten instalments and starting in October. If you do not have the funds to cover your tuition fees in full then you may want to consider applying for a student loan.
Does the Maths Scholarships pay my tuition fees directly to my ITT provider?
No. The Maths Scholar is responsible for paying their tuition fees.
If I meet the eligibility criteria, like the government's bursary, is a Maths Scholarship automatically awarded to me?
No. The Maths Scholarships has its own application process and you must submit a separate application to us.
How do I apply?
Applications are made via an online system, by clicking through the pink button on our homepage. Please ensure that you have read the information provided about the application process and use the sample application form before completing your application as you are not able to save this part way through completion.
When do I need to apply by?
Applications to the Maths Scholarships for those starting their initial teacher training in 2025/26 ARE NOW OPEN.
The provisional deadline for the Scholarship application process is 9am on Monday 7 July 2025. Please note that this provisional closing date is subject to change.
In past years, we’ve received an exceptionally high volume of applications for the Maths Scholarships, which has resulted in the Scheme closing earlier than anticipated. If this occurs again, the application window will close early. To stay informed, follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter for updates.
We strongly encourage you to submit your application as early as possible, rather than waiting until closer to the deadline.
Are the Assessments in-person or online?
Our Assessments are held online using our video conferencing software. If you are required to sit the mathematics test as part of your assessment, this will also be held online.
I’m currently on a Subject Knowledge Enhancement course as part of a conditional PGCE offer, should I apply now or wait until I’ve completed it?
You can apply to the Maths Scholarships before you have completed your SKE course. As with all applicants, we recommend applying sooner rather than later because in previous years, we have had to close early due to receiving a high number of applications. If you are required to sit the mathematics test, then your Assessment will be scheduled for August and an Assessment place will be reserved for you. The Assessment place is only confirmed if you pass the mathematics test.
How do I submit a successful application?
As with all job applications, give your application to the Maths Scholarships the time and care it deserves. For some of you, this will be one of the first steps towards your future career and first impressions count for a lot! Please take the time to read our advice on how to submit a successful application
Who should I nominate as my referee?
You are required to provide contact details of one referee as part of your application. We ask referees to provide details on why they think you are suitable for a career as a secondary mathematics teacher, particularly focussing on your personal qualities, i.e. enthusiasm, communication skills (verbal and written), leadership potential, teamwork ability, your interest and commitment to education/teaching and your love of mathematics and desire to share this with others so you should nominate someone who can comment on this. If you are due to graduate from your undergraduate degree your referee should be your university tutor as they will be able to provide details of your expected degree classification. For further information take a look at our blog on references and who you should nominate.
How do I prepare for an Assessment?
If invited to an Assessment you will be given a briefing paper which will provide you with details on how to prepare. However if you would like more details read 10 Practical Ways To Improve Your Assessment Skills.
I recently attended an Assessment when will I receive the outcome?
You will be advised if you have been successful in obtaining a Scholarship no later than 10 working days following the Assessment. Working days do not include weekends and bank holidays. If you’re unsuccessful at any stage in the application process to the Maths Scholarships, you cannot reapply in the current application year. Any duplicate applications received from individuals will not be processed as we only process the first application received.
Is it possible to defer the Scholarship offer?
We understand circumstances can change which may prevent you from starting your teacher training. In this case we can offer you the option to defer the Scholarship offer. We can only defer the offer for a maximum of one year and is subject to the scheme continuing for the next academic year.
If we are running for another year, the benefits of the Maths Scholarship, including the bursary, offered to you will be the same as what is offered to those starting their initial teacher training in the academic year that you start your initial teacher training.
I have an issue I'd like to raise a complaint about. What should I do?
We take all complaints seriously and aim to address them promptly. To ensure that your complaint is handled effectively, we kindly ask you to follow our Complaints Procedure (Complaints Procedure.pdf).
I've been informed I have been unsuccessful in applying for a Maths Scholarship, can I appeal the decision?
Applicants have the right to appeal against decisions made at any stage of the Mathematics Teacher Training Scholarship assessment process. Appeals can only be made on the basis of a failure of process and not against any academic or professional judgement. Please use the following document for further information: Appeals Process.pdf
Do you have more questions?
If you are in doubt about any aspect that has not been covered in these Maths scholars FAQS please submit a question. If you are unsure about any of the answers on this page please contact us using the Contact Us form.
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