Privacy Policy

Who is collecting the data?

The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications exists to support the advancement of mathematical knowledge and its applications and to promote and enhance mathematical culture in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, for the public good. It is the professional and learned society for qualified and practising mathematicians, with a membership of around 5,000 comprising of mathematicians from all sectors, as well as those with an interest in mathematics.

The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications is a registered charity, number 1017777.

Contact us at: Maths Scholarships; Rosalind.Azouzi

The categories of information that we process include:

We collect personal data you provide to us from your application form when you apply for a scholarship This includes:

  • personal identifiers and contacts (including name, contact details date of birth (if provided) and address)

  • characteristics (including gender)

  • information relating to your education and career (including Career status, ITE course details, Training route, Degree subject, Degree class, graduation year and University)

  • personal details about your referee(s) you provide in support of your application

  • We may also collect additional data on a voluntary basis.

Purpose of the processing and legal basis for the processing:

We collect and use your information to process your scholarship application and administer the scholarship scheme and such processing is necessary to take steps at your request prior to entering into a scholarship arrangement with you and/or for performance of that arrangement.

We will share your personal data with The Department of Education (“DfE”) who may retain and use your information for the purposes of teacher recruitment and retention statistics. The legal basis for the DfE processing this data is that such processing is necessary for the DfE to perform a task in the public interest pursuant to Section 14 of the Education Act 2002.

The DfE manage the Get into Teaching Service. This service helps individuals get into teaching by providing tailored advice and information about teacher training, teaching as a career and events. By sharing your personal data with DfE, you may  be contacted by one of their Teacher Training Advisers.  The Teacher Training Advisers  support aspiring teachers, and guide them through the journey in pursuing an initial teacher training application. The Adviser team are experienced former teachers, and are able to support candidates who apply to the scholarship programme.. Your data will only be processed in this way if you give your consent to being registered with the DfE Get into Teaching Service.

We may also share your details with the DfE to enable them to contact you for the purposes of research and evaluation of the Scholarships programme to understand the impact and effectiveness of the programme in achieving its objectives and to identify potential improvements to the customer journey. Your data will only be processed in this way if you give your consent.

Consent to certain processing activities:

In the online application form, you have the option of being registered with DfE's Get into Teaching Service and you consent to your personal data being shared with DfE and the Teacher Training Advisers to enable them to contact you for these purposes. You also have the option to indicate if you are willing to be contacted by DfE or a representative to take part in research and evaluation activity in relation to the Scholarships programme and application process. You have the right to withdraw consent at any time, where processing is based on your consent.

At the end of your Scholarhsip year you will be asked if you would like to stay in contact with us by joining the Alumni mailing list to. The mailing list will only contain your first name, surname and email address. We will only contact you with information to assist you in your teaching career (for example teaching resources, events and training courses) and about other events, products and services which we believe may be relevant to you. You can remove your details from this mailing list by contacting the Maths Scholarships Team and asking to unsubscribe.

Who we share your information with:

We will share the following information with the Department for Education (“DfE”) who is a joint controller of that data:

      First name, last name, date of birth (if provided), email address and phone number.

DfE have appointed Tele Performance UK (TPUK) to process personal data on their behalf in the role of Advisers and Call Agents. They will process the following data when providing the Get Into Teaching Service

  • Communications between the TPUK adviser/call agents and you

  • Your qualifications

  • The type of ITT course you're interested in

  • School experience you've undertaken

  • Languages you can speak and/or teach

  • Barriers or concerns you have that may prevent you from starting an ITT course

  • Your previous work experience/career history

DfE’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted as follows: Emma Wharram, 7&8 Wellington Place, Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4AP.

With your consent and for the purposes the “Get into Teaching Service”, DfE will share the following information with Teacher Training Advisers, who process the information on DfE’s behalf to provide advice to you to support your journey towards a new career in teaching:

       First name, last name, date of birth (if provided), email address and phone number.

With your consent for the purposes of research and evaluation DfE may share the following information with a research contractor to undertake part of the programme evaluation activity on behalf of the DfE. They will use the data as a sampling frame to contact individuals to take part in interviews or surveys, to evaluate the programme. They may also link the answers from these surveys/interviews to other information within the data, such as subject taught (where applicable).

       First name, last name, date of birth (if provided), email address and phone number.

When we share your data with DfE this is pursuant to a data sharing agreement between us. Under that agreement we are the point of contact for any queries or requests you have in respect of your data. The agreement sets out the purposes for which we and DfE may process and share your personal data (such purposes being as notified to you in this notice) and our agreement to cooperate to protect your personal data and deal with any requests you may have.

We also use web SMS Messaging by Intellisoftware to contact you on the mobile number provided in your form. Please see Intellisoftware’s privacy policy.

The mathematics test will be held online using the University of Edinburgh’s online assessment package for mathematics, STACK (the System for Teaching and Assessment using a Computer algebra Kernel).  To use STACK, individual's are required to register for an account themselves.  The University of Edinburgh takes your privacy seriously. So that you can fully understand the way your data is used, please refer to their Data Protection Policy.

If you have been awarded a Maths Scholarship, we will add your first name, last name and email address to the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications' database for the purpose of sending you monthly newsletters until you officially become a Maths Scholar on the 1 September. Additionally, we will send other relevant emails related to the Maths Scholarship, such as requests for information, updates, events, or important announcements during this time and your time as a Maths Scholar.
If you have contacted the Scholarship Team to register for a marketing webinar, or join the mailing list, we will add your first name, last name and email address to the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications' database for the purpose of sending you relevant information in relation to what you have signed up to.  You can ask to be removed from these lists at any time.
The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications takes your privacy seriously. So that you can fully understand how the IMA collects, uses, processes, and protects individual's personal information. please refer to the IMA's Privacy Policy.

To claim the non-financial benefits that are part of the Maths Scholarship, a recipient is provided with a separate application form and the relevant information, as outlined in the application form, is sent to the following of our partner organisations: MEI and The Mathematical Association.  If consent is given in the application form for joining the Maths Scholars Community Group and/or access to the TEAMAT journal, then the relevant information, as outlined in the application form, is sent to STEM Learning and/or Oxford University Press.

Retention period:

Your personal data may be kept by us for 10 years and by DfE for 10 years as retention and progression are of prime interest to DfE.

We or DfE may need to keep your personal information indefinitely for research and statistical purposes. We or DfE will put in place necessary measures to safeguard this information.

International transfers:

The data you provide will not be transferred outside the UK or European Economic Area.

Your rights:

Under data protection legislation, individuals have the right to request access to information about them that we hold. To make a request for your personal information, contact Maths Scholarships and Rosalind Azouzi

You also have the right to:

  • object to processing of personal data that is likely to cause, or is causing, damage or distress

  • prevent processing for the purpose of direct marketing

  • object to decisions being taken by automated means

  • in certain circumstances, have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed; and

  • a right to seek redress, either through the ICO, or through the courts


If you have a concern or complaint about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, you should raise your concern with us in the first instance or directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office.