Eligibility Criteria

To apply for a Scholarship, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • Be eligible for student finance (please see the eligibility section of our FAQ page for more information)

  • You have, or are expected to achieve:
    • A first or 2:1 undergraduate degree, or a postgraduate degree (MSc, MRes, MPhil or PhD), or;
    • A 2:2 undergraduate degree, and also have significant relevant experience.

  • You meet one of the following:
    • Have, or are studying for, a degree with strong mathematical content (e.g. mathematics, physics, engineering)
    • Have a degree with strong mathematical content (e.g. mathematics, physics, engineering) and will complete, or have completed, a Maths Subject Knowledge Enhancement Course (SKE) of any duration prior to September 2025
    • Have a non-mathematical degree and will complete, or have completed, a Maths Subject Knowledge Enhancement Course (SKE) of a minimum of 20 weeks in duration prior to September 2025
    • Have a non-mathematical degree with extensive mathematical professional experience

  • Ultimately, secure a training place on an eligible Secondary Mathematics PGCE or unsalaried School Direct mathematics course in England which leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) status for the 2025/26 academic year

At the following two stages of the application process; the initial application and Assessment, we also look for candidates to meet the wider criteria to become a Maths Scholar, namely:

  • Demonstrate a love of, and passion for, mathematics and a strong desire to share this with others

  • Have excellent understanding of mathematics and the ability to explain mathematical concepts at school level

  • Are interested in, and committed to, education/teaching

  • An ability to inspire secondary school pupils to take an interest in mathematics

  • Have the personal attributes to make a good classroom teacher and manager

  • Have an understanding of the benefits that the study of mathematics will have for the learners’ careers and the major importance of mathematics to the UK economy

  • A committed intention to teach in state-funded secondary schools in England, once qualified

These are aligned to the wider aims of the Mathematics Teacher Training Scholarships.

Advice on the Criteria

The application process begins with completing and submitting our online application form. Please note that Maths Scholarships are not automatically awarded to individuals who meet the eligibility criteria; a formal application is required.

You should only begin the application if you feel confident in your subject knowledge. If you feel unsure, we recommend starting the application process for an ITT course leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), as this may allow you to be allocated a place on a Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) course. Additionally, if you are currently on an SKE course, we encourage you to apply early. If invited to an assessment, it may take place towards the end of the academic year to support you in demonstrating the mathematical knowledge required as part of the overall assessment process.

If we are unable to determine the strong-mathematical content of your degree then you will be asked to provide a copy of your official university degree transcripts. In additional to this, you may also need to provide additional supporting information if it is not obvious from your degree transcripts if you have the level of mathematics we require.

If you have an overseas degree, please read the advice given on the Applicants with Overseas Degrees page before submitting your application.

To be eligible for funding or a Maths Scholarship, you must intend to enroll in a secondary teaching course that leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) for pre-16 education. Trainees undertaking a teacher training course that leads to Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills Status (QTLS) are not eligible, as QTLS is a qualification for Further Education (post-16).

Application deadlines 

Applications to the Maths Scholarships for those starting their initial teacher training in 2025/26 ARE NOW OPEN.

The provisional deadline for the Scholarship application process is 9am on Monday 7 July 2025. Please note that this provisional closing date is subject to change.  

In past years, we’ve received an exceptionally high volume of applications for the Maths Scholarships, which has resulted in the Scheme closing earlier than anticipated. If this occurs again, the application window will close early. To stay informed, follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter for updates.  

We strongly encourage you to submit your application as early as possible, rather than waiting until closer to the deadline.


Throughout our recruitment year, we host webinars to provide a deeper understanding of the Mathematics Teacher Training Scholarship. These sessions offer the opportunity to have your questions answered, covering topics such as how the Maths Scholarship differs from the standard government bursary for Initial Teacher Training (ITT), the additional benefits available to Maths Scholars, and how the scholarship supports ITT trainees throughout their training year.

The next webinar you can sign up for is on Thursday 3 April 2025, from 19:30 to 20:30. Don’t Miss out – Register for the webinar here: Webinar Sign up form

In this session, you’ll also hear from:

  • A representative from an ITT provider who will answer your questions about applying to teacher training and the different routes available
  • A representative from the Get into Teaching service who will provide guidance on the application process and your next steps
  • Current Maths Scholars who will share their personal experiences and how the Maths Scholarship has helped to shape their initial teacher training year.

This is your opportunity to ask questions, get advice from experienced professionals, and hear about the lived experience of current Maths Scholars.

The deadline for registering to attend the webinar is 09:00 on Wednesday 2 April 2025.