The Mathematical Association
About Us
The Mathematical Association (The MA) was the first teachers' subject association to be formed in England, in 1871, as the 'Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching', the original catalyst being the need to develop and to lobby for alternatives to the then standard treatment of geometry.
The Association's history is located within a broad context of changes in the educational system, developments in educational and mathematical thought, the growth of professionalism, and wider social, political, and economic forces which influence the curriculum.
How Can We Support Mathematics Teacher Training Scholars?
The Mathematical Association exists to support and promote confidence and enjoyment in mathematics for all.
We do this through interacting with teachers and those with an interest in mathematics via our publications and journals, professional development provisions including regular webinars, conferences, and nation-wide branches.
We work to influence mathematics education policy in evidence-based ways that support the development of a mathematically enabled confident and interested population. Join one of our committees making real change in the maths education field.
Our Journals
Primary Mathematics (PM) is written by and for Primary teachers. PM content endeavours to blend ideas for classroom activities with articles about research, events, and current news items relative to Primary Maths Education.

Mathematics In School is a lively and resource packed journal aimed at teachers of secondary pupils, students in training and all those with a professional interest in mathematics education.
Contents include contributions from mathematics practitioners at all levels and articles that reflect the best of current thinking and practice by means of exploring further development and sharing practical experiences. Readers will find helpful advice on general teaching methods and each issue guarantees numerous articles of relevance and a book/product reviews section. Importantly, the wealth of material found in every issue has photocopy rights, providing busy teachers with hands-on classroom resources.
The Mathematical Gazette is the theoretical journal of the Mathematical Association and has been published continuously since 1894. It is read by teachers and students in schools, academic mathematicians and educationalists in universities and enthusiasts for the subject.

Our Events
Our Annual Conference is the highlight of the year. More recently we have introduced the face-to-face element back to this important event, having moved online and then hybrid due to the pandemic.
On a monthly basis we offer webinars free to attend for our members (non-members are also welcome). These webinars are an eclectic mix of topics and speakers, aimed at your interest and enjoyment of maths.
We also welcome the Equals Online team, who provide monthly webinars on SEND topics such as anxiety, dyscalculia, and metacognition.
We offer fantastic discounts to these events for members/students and trainees.