Maths Scholars Celebratory Event 2017
We have a brilliant line up for this year’s Celebration Event taking place on Saturday 23 September 2017 at Aston University.
Luke Bacon - Imperial College
Imperial Outreach runs a broad programme of interventions aimed at disadvantaged students and under-performing schools, with an emphasis on STEM subjects and a particular focus on maths. Our aim is to ensure that every student, regardless of background, has access to the right educational opportunities for them to achieve their potential.
We all know maths is fun, appears literally everywhere and that it only takes a moment's thought to see a whole world of excitement in the simplest things. However, not everyone sees things this way – at least not yet. When you start teaching it's relatively easy to go
out and find specific bits of maths that lots of people find surprising, engaging and ultimately fun. But somehow it's just as easy to forget all about those feelings when it gets to page 373 of the new GCSE textbook for the 3rd lesson running... So, how can we ensure that we remember the value of this engagement in our lessons and somehow stay on track? In this workshop Matteo (who completed the INSPIRE PGCE at Imperial and now teaches at Highgate School) will share some of his experiences of developing engagement as a trainee teacher, supported by Luke (who works at Imperial and was once a Maths Scholar too). Together they will try and convince you that engagement doesn't have to stop at the classroom door, and that it isn't just something we get to wheel out on 'special occasions'.
Anne Fieldhouse - Sum Solutions

The emphasis is usually on developing thinking, reasoning and problem solving skills as well as the effective use of appropriate maths language through a mix of practical activities, puzzles and problems whilst also having some fun!
A NCETM Accredited Professional Development Lead, originally secondary trained but
has worked with all ages in all sectors and was also a regional coordinator for the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) working across the NW and Y&H for 5 years. She is now a maths education consultant working freelance, leading sessions for both teachers and learners of all ages, mostly on behalf of national organisations including NCETM, the IMA, the union ATL's education arm, delivering Education and Training Foundation funded projects in the post 16 sector and Able Maths days in primary and secondary schools for Authors Abroad.