Maths Scholarships CPD Workshop, June 2023
Join us at the Conference Aston in Birmingham for a number of CPD sessions.
Saturday the 10th of June 2023
Session 1 - Trigonometry the Right (Angled) Way - with Aidan Gollaglee (Maths Hub Lead, London South East Plus)
About the Session
This workshop will take you on a trip down memory lane of how trigonometry may have first been introduced to you before putting aside the dreaded SOH CAH TOA mnemonic and exploring alternative ways of getting students into trigonometry. Participants will take a look at the language and terminology used within trigonometry as well as considering how we can use visual representations to support our teaching. Calculators will take a back seat for much of this workshop so participants can get a feel for trigonometry without a calculator. The aim of this workshop is to help participants to formulate ideas for their own teaching and to enjoy trigonometry lessons through the eyes of a teenager again.
*Equipment required: A pair of compasses, pencil, ruler and a calculator.
About the Speaker
Aidan completed his mathematics degree at Loughborough University and went on to work in the aerospace industry before training to teach at King’s College London. Aidan was part of the 3rd cohort of Maths Scholars and benefitted from the network and events offered. He is currently Maths Hub Lead for London South East Plus and has previously worked in multiple schools across London as a Head of Department and Lead Practitioner.
Aidan’s own experience of maths education in a rural coastal town in Norfolk inspired him to want to make change and now focusses on supporting and delivering PD to teachers with the aim of creating a better experience of mathematics education for both students and teachers. He is an accredited NCETM PD lead and is currently working on supporting and coaching subject leaders for maths to support them in implementing a teaching for mastery approach to maths education.
Aidan tweets @LSE_MathsHub or to get in touch
Session 2 - How do you problem solve? - with Bernard Murphy
About the Session
The mathematician Paul Halmos claimed, ‘the mathematician's main reason for existence is to solve problems.’ Mathematical problem solving is one of the Overarching Themes in A level Mathematics and 25% of the marks in A level papers must be attributed to the assessment objective: ‘Solve problems within mathematics and in other contexts.’ So how can we develop students’ problem-solving skills? In this session we’ll work on two or three problems, trying to identify what strategies we employ and think how these approaches might be promoted in our classrooms.
*Equipment required: A pair of compasses
About the Speaker

Bernard has spent the last 30 years teaching mathematics in schools and working with teachers on their professional development. He has contributed to national and international projects in mathematics education, been a textbook writer and A level examiner.
You can find Bernard on Twitter as @MEIMaths
Session 3 - Taking the dry out of Maths & Computing! - with Tig Williams
About the Session
A whistlestop tour of some intersections between Maths and computing curriculum and the opportunities for fun these give us. We will also look at some IT tools that enhance both maths and computing and make our lives easier and more fun!
About the Speaker

Tig worked as a DBA and senior analyst and ran an IT consultancy before moving into teaching. After 10 years of teaching and running a successful IT department in secondary, Tig stepped back from full time teaching and ran a Computing at School (CAS) regional centre followed by one of the National Centre for Computing Education’s (NCCE) Regional Delivery Partners (RDP). He also chairs the CAS Assessment Working Group and delivers support for schools working with all aspects of the computing curriculum on top of his work as an examiner.
This session is open to alumni. Online bookings closes at 23:59 on Thursday the 25th of May 2023.
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