Maths Scholarships CPD Webinar - Financial Maths

Saturday the 15th of May 2021 - Live Webinar

Bobby Seagull - Financial Maths: How to Make the Finance of Maths Come to Life for Students

About The Event

Before Bobby Seagull became a teacher, he worked in finance (trader at investment banks Lehman Brothers & Nomura and qualified as a Chartered Accountant at PwC). Bobby will explain how maths played a role in the financial crisis of 2008. Bobby is an ambassador for the charity National Numeracy alongside Money Saving Expert's Martin Lewis and Countdown TV's Rachel Riley. In this capacity, he is aware of how lack of confidence in maths at school leads to day-to-day numeracy challenges for adults. In this session, Bobby will show how to engage students with the numbers in money and personal finance.

This event will be held at 10:00 (BST) on Saturday the 15th of May 2021.

About the Speaker

Bobby SeagullBobby Seagull is a school maths teacher and Cambridge University Doctorate student. Before moving into education, he was an investment banking trader at Lehman Brothers & Nomura, and is a qualified Chartered Accountant from PwC. He is an ambassador for UK Libraries and the charity National Numeracy, a presenter for an Open University course on personal finance for young adults, a regular contributor to Radio Four’s Puzzle For Today and a columnist for the Financial Times. He is the author of The Life-Changing Magic of Numbers and co-presenter of the podcast Maths Appeal. With his University Challenge friend, he co-wrote The Monkman & Seagull Quiz Book and co-presents the ongoing BBC TV series Monkman & Seagull’s Genius Guide to Britain. Outside of maths, he is a long-suffering West ham fan!      

You can find Bobby on Twitter as @Bobby_Seagull.


This webinar is for 2020/21 Scholars and alumni only. Online bookings close at 23:59 on Wednesday the 12th of May 2021

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Image via @Bobby_Seagull