Maths Scholarships Welcome Webinar, Sept 2021
Saturday the 18th of September 2021 - Live Webinar
Featuring a Welcome From the Maths Scholarships Team, an NRICH CPD Webinar & a Peer Networking Opportunity
New Scholars! Join us on the 18th of September from 9am - 12pm (BST) for the online Welcome Webinar! Airing on the side of caution, we've decided to hold the first event of the year digitally. Please note that attendance is mandatory!
So, what do we have in store for you at the Welcome Webinar?
Welcome from the Maths Scholarships Team (Mandatory)

Join Sophie and Vanessa from the Maths Scholarships Team to find out what they have in store for the Maths Scholars during 2021/22 and some important information you need to know.
Also joining us will be three members of our Alumni, who will share their experiences as a Maths Scholar and life as a mathematics teacher so far, and also answer questions you may have about teacher training, life as a Maths Scholar, their careers to date etc.
NRICH Webinar (Mandatory)

(Mandatory) In this session, Director of NRICH Dr Ems Lord will lead Scholars through ways to maximise the potential of NRICH's rich mathematical resources in their classrooms. Ems will guide Scholars though the theory which underpins the development of NRICH resources, illustrating key ideas through a selection of highly engaging, hands-on activities. During the session, Scholars will explore secondary and post-16 resources (including preparation materials for university entrance tests), NRICH's Live Problems plus forthcoming free events for Scholars and their classes.
A bit about our Speaker, Dr Ems Lord (NRICH)...
Ems joined the team as NRICH Director in 2015, following her previous role leading one of the country's largest Mathematics Specialist Teacher Programmes. She is a Research Fellow at Clare Hall at the University of Cambridge, a Founding Fellow of the Chartered College of Teachers, a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Teaching Profession and a past-President of the Mathematical Association. Ems has taught mathematics across the key stages, from Early Years to A Level Further Mathematics and university entrance tests. Her previous roles include supporting schools as a Leading Mathematics Teacher, local authority consultant and as a Chartered Mathematics Teacher. Ems lectures about problem-solving and gender issues on undergraduate, PGCE and Masters programmes and regularly contributes towards academic books, journals and conferences.
You can find NRICH on Twitter as @nrichmaths.
The Common Room (Optional)
Part of the Maths Scholarships Peer Networking initiative and exclusively for 2021/22 Maths Scholars!

Getting everyone together was certainly not an option during 2020/21, so we introduced The Common Room; a virtual meeting room where Maths Scholars can meet other Maths Scholars and talk about their experiences. Hosted by members of the Maths Scholarships very own Alumni, Maths Scholars can come together and receive advice and support from those who have been in their shoes.
The Common Room will be open after the mandatory Welcome Webinar and NRICH Webinar, and it is optional to attend, but booking is essential. The registration deadline is 23:59 on 16/09/2021.
See you there!