Maths Scholars CPD Workshop, June 2019
We have a great programme for the Maths Scholars CPD Workshop taking place on Saturday 08 June 2019 at Conference Aston.
A Foray into Reasoning and Proof - Dr Audrey Curnock (Education Unlimited)

Dr Audrey Curnock taught undergraduate Mathematics for over 25 years working in beautiful cities such as London, Rome and Oxford. She is a Functional Analyst by training. For the last 8 years she has run a specialist Mathematics consultancy called Education Unlimited, based in Oxfordshire, and takes on project work as well as teaching. Recent projects include work for the DfE, NFER as well writing and CPD for Colleges.
One of the overarching aims of the revised National Curriculum for Mathematics is that students can Reason Mathematically. Coupled with this is a difficult area of the curriculum to teach which is Proof. This workshop will aim to investigate how we can underpin all of our teaching by developing and improving reasoning skills. The pay-off for this is that then Proof becomes much more tangible for a learner. Our talk will be interactive and will provide classroom resources based around the 3 main examination boards. As with all good CPD, we will draw on current research on these themes, and incorporate both pedagogy and subject-knowledge. The talk focuses on KS3 and KS4, and just touches on KS5.
Showcasing Statistics - Dr Laura Bonnett (University of Liverpool) and Dr Simon White (University of Cambridge)
Biography - Dr Laura Bonnet
Dr Laura Bonnett is a Medical Statistician (Tenure Track Fellow) primarily interested in the development and validation of prognostic models for people with recurrent conditions such as epilepsy
and asthma. She is based in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Liverpool. Laura’s work has informed the Driving and Vehicle Licensing Agency’s regulations on time off driving for people with a first ever seizure, and driving during and after antiepileptic drug withdrawal. This work has now also underpinned European Union policy on driving. Additionally, Laura is a member of the Royal Statistical Society Education Committee and a committed STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) Ambassador. As part of these roles Laura develops statistical outreach activities which can be used by anyone with an interest in the area at a variety of events such as careers fairs, science festivals and in STEM clubs (
Biography - Dr Simon White
Dr Simon White is a senior investigator statistician at the Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge. He completed his PhD in epidemic modelling of infectious diseases at the University of Nottingham, then became an MRC Career Development Fellow at the MRC Biostatistics Unit. Now, as a senior investigator, he is developing research on neuroimaging and cognition, focused on bridging the complex and multivariate aspects of development and ageing with statistical methodologies. Outside of his academic research interests Simon is active in public engagement and outreach activities: organising the departments presence at science festivals; volunteering for the Science Media Centre's 'Behind the Headlines' initiative; as an active STEM Ambassador; and as a Royal Statistical Society (UK) Statistical Ambassador and member of the RSS Education and Statistical Literacy Committee.
The Royal Statistical Society have an Education & Statistical Literacy Committee whose remit includes statistical education in practice, promoting careers in statistics, and developing statistical literacy. In line with these aims the Committee is co-ordinating the development of hands-on statistical activities for its Fellows, and STEM Ambassadors within STEMNET, who are invited into careers fairs, schools and science clubs to run sessions or workshops. This talk will discuss statistical activities – what defines them and how to make them fun and interactive – and showcase existing resources.
NRICH Website – Ems Lord (Director)
This session is for the current Scholars only. Alumni will be taking part in the resources swap shop (see details below)
Ems joined the team as NRICH Director in 2015, following her previous role leading one of the country's largest Mathematics Specialist Teacher Programmes. Ems has taught mathematics across the key stages, from Early Years to A Level Further Mathematics, and has worked in a variety of settings including a hospital school. Her previous roles include supporting schools as a Leading Mathematics Teacher, local authority consultant and as a Chartered Mathematics Teacher. Ems has taught mathematics education on both BEd and PGCE teacher programmes and she is currently working on her PhD thesis which addresses how we can improve our support for pupils learning calculation skills.
You may have heard about the NRICH website, and perhaps tried out some of its resources, but are you maximising its potential with your students? NRICH is often described as 'the home of rich problem-solving' and its website is packed with classroom resources for secondary and post-16 teachers. NRICH Director Ems Lord will take you on a guided tour of the NRICH family of resources, stopping off along the way to try out some of her favourite activities for your classes, and sharing her insights for making the most of this award-winning website.
Saturday Afternoon Resource Swap Shop – Dr Sophie Carr
This session is for the Alumni only
In the afternoon there will be the opportunity for you to catch up with familiar faces and make new connections with scholars you’ve not previously met in a facilitated resource library building swop shop! Come prepared to share your favourite maths based social media accounts, websites, hashtags, handouts, games, starters, extension work etc. If it’s a resource you’ve made yourself that’s even better (but certainly not obligatory). However, please don’t bring along lots of print outs that could get lost and harms the environment. Instead, bring one copy to show and tell along with a notepad and pen so you can share the resource or link electronically after the event. As always with Conference Aston, this session will be helped along with coffee and snacks. It’ll be a fun afternoon, full of inspiration and practical help.
To follow and discuss our CPD events on social media use #MathsScholarsCPD