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Scholars Blogs
Being A Career Changer In The Classroom By Dominic Attrell
Being A Career Changer In The Classroom By Dominic Attrell
Reflections On The First Week Of Training
How Fuzzy Balls Cured My Maths Anxiety
Maths Scholars Blog By Harvind Arjun Rai
What Teacher Training Route Did You Choose And Why?
My Experience As A Career Changer By David Parry
10 Weeks In – Varying Up Your Methods Of Explanation
Why Would You Encourage More People To Apply For The Scheme?
Subject Knowledge As A Trainee Maths Teacher
How Are You Incorporating Technology In Your Maths Teaching?
Bletchley Park Super Visit 2019 By Devaki Amin
What Makes An Effective Mathematics Teacher?
Things I Know Now That I Wish I’d Known Then
Why I Applied By Toby Bignell
Reflect On Your Experience Of Your First Term
The Best Lesson You Have Taught So Far
The Ability To Carry Out More Productive Lessons
The Best Lesson I Have Taught So Far
How Have You Been Creative In The Classroom?
My Feel-Good Story In The Classroom By Sanjay Ram
My Experience As A Career Changer By Tapesh Patel
Fractal Christmas Trees - By Lauren Stockton
MTTSC Resources Webinar 2 - Bringing Geometry Alive
MTTSC Resources Webinar 3 - Probability, Games And Puzzles
Use Of Context In The Maths Classroom By Tony Parkes
Problem Solving CPD Session - By Michael Ellis
How Do You Manage Behaviour In The Classroom?
How Do You Manage Behaviour In The Classroom?
Teacher Training During Covid-19 By Lauren Hunt
Resources Webinar - Using Desmos, Even At A Distance!
Infinite Powers - Inspiring Our Students By Nick Owen
The Most Important Thing You Learnt During Your Training
What Was The Most Important Thing You Learnt?
Advice To Someone Deciding Which Provider To Choose
Advice To Someone Deciding Which Provider To Choose
Why I Decided To Apply For A Scholarship By Liam Bath
Meet 2020/21 Maths Scholar York Deavers!
Why I Decided To Apply For A Scholarship By Sharmin Joarder
Why I Decided To Apply For A Scholarship By Callum Shreeve
Meet 2020/21 Maths Scholar Anees Ahmed!
My First Day On My ITT Course By Katie Liddell
Changing Careers By Helen Li
Why I Decided To Apply For A Scholarship By George Savage
The Start Of My Teaching Career By Luke Wilson
What Teacher Training Route Did You Choose?
NQT Blues And How To Survive Your NQT Year By David Anderson
What Teacher Training Route Did You Choose And Why?
Can I Really Make A Difference? By Naomi Pendleton
What Teacher Training Route Did You Choose And Why?
Why I Decided To Apply For A Teacher Training Scholarship
Meet 2020/21 Maths Scholar Sharan Spall!
Meet 2020/21 Maths Scholar Matt Simcock!
Retraining As A Maths Teacher: My Slow Motion Leap Home
Maths Scholarships Webinar 1: NRICH - By Richard Hayes
Webinar 2 - Operational Research: Let’s Play With Lego
My Experience As A Maths Scholar - By Abi Varathanathan
Why I Applied For A Mathematics Teacher Training Scholarship
Why I Decided To Apply For A Maths Scholarship
Why I Decided To Apply By Rosie Ballard
Why I Became A Maths Scholar By Jaimy Lunn
Why Did I Apply For A Maths Scholarship? By Rebecca Heastier
The First Week On My ITT Course By William Farrow
Why I Decided To Apply For A Scholarship By Ruth Ejigayehu
Why I Decided To Apply For A Scholarship By Rajdeep Josan
The Sound of Maths - By Shane Steele
My First Experience Teaching By Katie Liddell
Which Teacher Training Route Did You Choose?
What Teacher Training Route Did You Choose And Why?
My first week on the ITT course
My first week on the ITT course
My first week on my ITT course
How I found the online assessment part of my application
My first week on the ITT course
What teacher training route did you choose and why?
My story of being a Career Changer
What inspired you to want to become a maths teacher?
What inspired you to want to become a maths teacher?
The First Week on my ITT Course
What teacher training route did you choose and why?
Survival Tips for Starting Your Teacher Training
How I got into Maths Teaching
Reflecting on how Maths Teaching has changed
The First Week on my ITT Course
A Day in the Life of a Trainee Teacher
What teacher training route did you choose and why?
My First Experiences of Teaching Maths
What teacher training route did you choose and why?
What inspired you to want to become a maths teacher?
Why I decided to change my career to Maths Teaching
How I found the online assessment part of my application
My experience of being a career changer
What teacher training route did you choose and why?
Survival Tips for Starting Your Teacher Training
A Day in the Life of a Trainee Teacher
Using Desmos for Statistics Webinar: A Review
What teacher training route did you choose and why?
Training to teach in the year of Coronavirus
NRICH Maths CPD Webinar: A Review
Using Desmos for Statistics Webinar: A Review
Survival Tips for Starting Your Teacher Training
How I found the online assessment part of my application
My first day on the ITT course
What teacher training route did you choose and why?
A day in the life of a trainee teacher
My experience of being a career changer
The best lesson I have taught so far
Reflect on your experience of your first term
Managing your time and workload in your training year
A day in the life of a trainee teacher
What teacher training route did you choose and why?
What inspired you to want to become a maths teacher?
My first experiences of teaching Maths
A New Way of Looking
How I found the Mathematics Test at my Online Assessment
What teacher training route did you choose and why?
Reflect on your experience of your first term
Managing your time and workload in your training year
Maths, Finance and a Simple Daily Mindset
Never Giving Up
The First Week on my ITT Course
How I Manage Behaviour in the Classroom
How I found the Online Assessment aspect of my application
The First Week on my ITT Course
Feelings & observations about my first teaching experiences
Why Special Schools need Maths Scholars too
You are not alone
Reflecting on my ITT year
What Made Me Decide to Apply
What classroom experience did you gain before starting ITT?
The First Week on my ITT Course
What classroom experience did you gain before starting ITT?
A target for the next half term
How I found the Mathematics Test at my Online Assessment
How I found the Mathematics Test at my Online Assessment
NRICH CPD Webinar: A Review
NRICH CPD Webinar: A Review
What classroom experience did you gain before starting ITT?
What Makes an Effective Mathematics Teacher?
How I Prepared for my Teacher Training Course
Applying my previous career experience to teaching
How will the Scholarship support you through ITT?
My experience of the mathematics test
What inspired you to become a secondary maths teacher?
My experience of the first month of my ITT course
Behaviour Management: How have you tackled this?
How will the Scholarship support you through ITT?
Applying my previous career experience to teaching
Artful Maths CPD Webinar: A Review
Artful Maths CPD Webinar: A Review
How will the Scholarship support you through ITT?
Applying my previous career experience to teaching
How I found the Online Assessment aspect of my application
What classroom experience did you attain before your ITT?
How will the Scholarship support you through ITT?
My experience of being a Career Changer
Applying my previous career experience to teaching
What inspired you to want to become a maths teacher?
How I found the online assessment part of my application
What challenges have you faced so far?
Applying my previous career experience to teaching
My experience of undertaking ITT via School Direct
What classroom experience did you attain before your ITT?
Why I decided to change my career to Maths Teaching
Artful Maths CPD Webinar: A Review
What inspired you to want to become a maths teacher?
What classroom experience did you attain before your ITT?
How I found the Mathematics Test at my Online Assessment
My first experience of teaching Maths
Why I decided to change my career to Maths Teaching
My experience of undertaking ITT via School Direct
Introduction to Desmos Webinar: A Review
Introduction to Desmos Webinar: A Review
Reflecting On My First Term
Reflecting On My First Term
Applying my previous career experience to teaching
How I found the Online Assessment
My experience of the Online Assessment
What inspired you to want to become a maths teacher?
What inspired you to want to become a maths teacher?
Reflecting On My First Term
Why I decided to change my career to Maths Teaching
Am I Smart Enough to be a Scholar?
Why I decided I wanted to become a Maths Scholar
My first experience of teaching Maths
My experience of undertaking ITT via School Direct
What inspired you to want to become a maths teacher?
Why I decided I wanted to become a Maths Scholar
My first experience of teaching Maths
My experience of undertaking ITT via School Direct
My experience of the University-led ITT route
My experience of the University-led ITT route
Resources I have used during my Maths Teacher Training
What challenges have you faced so far?
Why I decided I wanted to become a Maths Scholar
Why I decided I wanted to become a Maths Scholar
My First Experiences of Teaching Maths
My First Experiences of Teaching Maths
How I found the application process to ITT
Behaviour Management: How have you tackled this?
Incorporating Technology into Maths Teaching
A Moment Where I Made a Difference
Resources I have used during my Maths Teacher Training
How I found the application process to ITT
Mathemagic! CPD Webinar: A Review
Incorporating Technology into Maths Teaching
A Moment Where I Made a Difference
What Makes an Effective Mathematics Teacher?
The most important thing learnt during teacher training
Advice to those starting Initial Teacher Training
Highlights of my initial teacher training course
Reflecting on my initial teacher training year
Changes to Secondary Mathematics
Reflecting on my initial teacher training year
Behaviour Management: How have you tackled this?
End of training year
Maths Scholars Welcome Webinar 2022
Get the most from your Maths Teacher Training Scholarship
Games, Goats and Gold - Maths Scholars Celebratory Event
Making Maths Exciting - Maths Scholars Celebratory Event
MTTSC Resources Webinar 1 - OR: Let’s Play With Lego
Your Application And The Start Of Your ITT Year
Exploring Shape and Space With Anne Fieldhouse
Teaching for Mastery A Heuristic Approach to Problem Solving
Exploring Shape and Space – Practically
The Assessment Centre
My Experience of The Assessment Centre
PGCE: Why Did I Choose a University Based Course?
Why did I decide to teach when I have a Maths degree?
My First Week in School as a Trainee Teacher
Going Back to School in More Ways Than One
A Day In The Life Of A Trainee!
Bletchley Park Visit With Ben Davies
Bletchley Park with Adam Broome
Bletchley Park Super Visit with Rik Singleton
Why I decided to apply
My First Week at School Based Placement
Which Three Mathematicians Should Your Students Learn About?
Homework Task - Lock Box
What Makes an Effective Maths Teacher?
The Assessment Centre with Shatakshi Singh
Why I Want to be a Teacher
My Day as a Trainee Teacher
Assessment Centre
The Importance of Names
STEM - Interlocking Cubes
My Story of Being a Career Changer
My Story of Being a Career Changer
My experience of being a Career Changer
Why I Decided to Change Careers to Teaching
Advice for Those Considering Starting a Teaching Career
Why I Decided I Wanted to be a Maths Scholar
Advice for Those Considering Starting a Teaching Career
How have you found your school placements?
Advice for Those Considering Starting a Teaching Career
Advice for Those Considering Starting a Teaching Career
How have you found your school placements?
Advice for Those Considering Starting a Teaching Career
How have you found your school placements?
What Makes an Effective Maths Teacher?
What do You Think Makes an Effective Maths Teacher?
Assessment Centre
What Do You Think Makes An Effective Maths Teacher?
How Are You Incorporating Technology In Your Maths Teaching?
The Value of Literature in ITT
How Has Maths Teaching Changed Since I Was A Pupil?
How Are You Incorporating Technology Into Your Teaching?
Creativity In The Classroom
How Would You Change UK Maths Teaching?
Royal Institution Super Visit - 27th April 2019
Royal Institute Super Visit - Dr Sophie Carr Workshop
My Decision To Apply For A Scholarship
How Do You Manage Behaviour In The Classroom?
Don’t Accept Unacceptable Behaviour
A Foray Into Reasoning And Proof
Penguin Poo
A Foray Into Reasoning And Proof - Part 1
A Foray Into Reasoning And Proof - Part 2
How Did You Find The Application Process?
The Most Important Thing You Learnt During Your Training
Exploring Shape and Space – Practically
Maths Scholars Celebratory Event - 21st September 2019
Iain Messenger - his story on changing careers
Preparing to be an NQT - NRICH session
What do you think makes an effective Maths teacher?
How to Prepare for your Teacher Training Year
Daniel Portelli - why he changed careers
Suja Sivadass - Celebration Event
How to survive a PGCE with a young family
Scholars and Alumni event 20th January 2018, Birmingham
Graeme Strang - why he decided to change careers
Bletchley Park Super Visit By Luke Bennett
Bletchley Park Super Visit with Keiran Poole
Bletchley Park Super Visit with Stephanie Webb
First experiences of teaching maths
What I Have Learnt About Education
Summer Maths - A Chance to Plan
Why I Would Encourage Others to Apply
Settling Into Teacher Training And Being A Maths Scholar
Why I changed careers to become a maths teacher
Why I changed careers to become a maths teacher
Reflection on First Term
My first experiences of teaching maths
The Geometry of the Dambusters
Why I Applied for a Scholarship
The Most Important Thing Learnt During My Training
How do you manage behaviour in the classroom?
World Number Day
Scholarship CPD Day – National STEM Learning Centre
CPD Conference at the National STEM Learning Centre
Core Maths
Kenya Blog
How Can Twitter Help My Teaching?
Knowing what to ‘see,’ when we can’t at first
The Maths Behind The Hundred-Year Flood
School Maths Trips – Calculating the benefit
Maths Competitions - What are the Benefits?
Kenya Blog - 2
How Twitter Can Enhance Your Teaching Practice
A Brief Conversation Made All The Difference
Choosing Your Provider - Things to Think About
My Time To Shine...
Common Errors & Misconceptions in Mathematics
On Barleycorns and Nuclear Fallout
Excited to start my ITT
PGCE Experience
Mathematics & Further Mathematics AS & A levels have changed
Start of ITT Feelings
Puzzles, quizzes, and confidence to find an answer
Words of encouragement
Month One: Orientation
Why you should see other teachers in action, not just maths
The wonders of the 3 by 3 square (Part 1)
The wonders of the 3 by 3 square (Part 2)
My words of encouragement to a prospective maths teacher
What makes an effective maths teacher?
Words of Encouragement
How Have You Linked Maths to the Real World?
Bletchley Park Visit By David Gee
A Day as a Trainee Teacher
They all have one thing in common...
Should all students continue studying mathematics to 18?
Describe your Day as a Trainee Teacher
Describe your day as a trainee teacher
Resources for Problem Solving at GCSE
From Corporate to Classroom
How Has Maths Teaching Changed Since You Were At School?
Enigma Machines
Why should more people apply for the Scholarship scheme?
Describe your day as a trainee teacher by Kimberley Irving
My experience on behaviour in the classroom
Reflect on your experiences of your first term
Bletchley Park Super-Visit 2017 By Andrew Bussell
Three weeks into my Initial Teacher Training
The first day of school – By Della Avery
Tom Briggs’s Cryptography Workshop - By Evan Jones
The first three weeks on my SCITT course
Starting My ITT
One Week In
Start To My ITT
Fancy teaching maths? Start here
Maths teaching and Tech. What’s the future
Career changing, SAD syndrome and sunny days past
9 things teachers hate about going back to school
The Maths Scholars Scheme the final countdown
Maths scholarships how could you get one?
Maths teaching, statistics and ethnography
Why would anyone want to teach?
Maths Scholars, NQTs and support. What’s next?
Tech and Maths Education
What does being a teacher really mean?
Maths Scholars never rest even over the summer
Mathematics in the UK gets some interesting press
Goodbye Maryam Mirzakhani - Fields Medalist 2014
Secondary Maths teaching is it the career for you?
Try to imagine a world without mathematics
Will I ever use maths in real life?
Sophie Carr Maths Scholars Scheme Reports
Old certainties are being challenged
Maths Scholars Share Their Classroom & Teaching Tips
Maths needs to change
Inspiring videos for maths teachers and students
Maths Scholars Scheme 2017 is now closed
Maths might be the key to landing your dream job
Maths News and views UK
15 Worthwhile Reasons To Become A Maths Teacher
Why I love being a maths teacher
Maths Scholar Michael Walden tells the truth
Maths Scholars and teachers say maths teaching is great
Maths Scholar Jacob Blair, explores ratio and silence
Maths Scholar Lara Timmins asks how do students learn?
Maths teaching what’s the secret?
Lee Griffiths is a Maths Scholar
My initial teacher training with School Direct
Maths Scholar Anita Lala reflects
Measuring success in chains and Maths Scholars
An example of a Teaching for Mastery lesson for KS3
Is 2017 your maths graduation year?
Maths scholars reveal what the Maths Scholarship scheme is..
How students learn best – by Max Fawcett
Maths Scholars and PGCE What I wish I knew.
Maths Scholars Stats Event report
Dialogue and mathematical understanding what is it?
Maths Scholars Scholarship Interview - the low down
How have you linked Maths to the real world?
How has maths teaching changed since I was at school?
How has maths teaching changed since you were at school?
Maths Scholar Keith Doyle explores The Argand Diagram
STEM, Maths scholars and events
How have you linked maths to the real world?
Maths Scholars get some hands on experience
How have I been creative in the classroom? - Tara Saleh
Maths is not my passion Sophie Carr says
Maths Scholar Dorottya Németh explores assessment
Mathematics, modelling and application of number
Maths Scholar Damien Gow talks decision maths
Dominoes, Envelopes and Train Tickets
Say “mathematics” and gauge the reaction
Hans Rosling has died. The Maths Scholars salute a master
Mandy Arthur considers student centred learning
Maths Scholar scholarships is it just money?
Maths Scholars and collaborative learning
Maths Scholar Muhammad Saeed knows the power of Scholars
Is Maths teacher training a career for you?
Maths Scholars gain confidence on the scheme
Maths teaching is filled with rewards as a Maths Scholar
Maths Scholar Olivia Swinscoe loves battling for solutions
Maths Scholars share experiences, develop and grow
Is Maths teaching in a secondary school the career for you?
Maths Scholars and Events
Maths Scholars go eventing
Maths Scholars and scholarships are more than a bursary
How would you change maths teaching?
The Winton Gallery provokes mathematical inspiration
Teaching Maths, being a Maths Scholar is challenging
Stretching Maths, and the Maths Scholars Event
Maths Scholars, main concerns, lessons plans and innovation
Engineering – bet you don’t really know what it is!
Maths Scholars interview coming up? Here’s more advice
Maths Scholars, expectations and behaviour management
What Was The Most Important Thing You Learnt?
My day as a trainee teacher – Umar Hussain
Describe your day as a trainee Maths teacher
Teach Maths and consider applying to be a Maths Scholar
Maths Scholars scholarship Interviews the low down
The Scholar Hot seat: “Maths is Everywhere!”
The Scholar Hot Seat: Barbara | MathsTeacher Scholarships
Maths Scholars can be found in every profession
Maths Scholars are people just like you
Maths Scholars, to be or not to be?
Maths degrees and maths teaching. Never say never
Mathematics needs mathletes to start teaching
Maths teacher training and standards news
Maths teacher training works both ways says Adam Creen
Maths Scholars, A Level text books and Maths Associations
Smart Cities and maths teaching does it all add up?
Mathematical discovery is thrilling! Cédric Villani
Primary Mathematics at the University of Reading
4 Engaging Science and Math Lessons for Kids
Maths, maths understanding and racism
The Maths Scholars scheme interviews artist Ann-Marie Ison
Mathematics, the death of Zaha Hadid
Maths and Training in 2016 an interview with Steve Watson
Maths, Wales and passion- Count Us In!
As A Career Changer, How Do You Plan To Bring Your Previous Work Experience Into The Classroom? By Dominic Attrell