Maths Scholars go eventing
Secondary schools need good Maths teachers. The Maths Scholars scholarship scheme is an exciting and demanding programme that will prepare us to become effective and high-quality Maths teachers. In addition, for me it has a particular focus on the unique demands of working in a multi-ethnic comprehensive school.
Why not become a Maths scholar after you graduate?
As Scholars and trainee maths teachers are required to be well organised, resilient, tolerant and understanding of the attitudes of today’s teenagers, and with a commitment to young people as well as to Mathematics.
Mathematics today is the general interest. Mathematics publications provide articles, reports, reviews and news for mathematicians. As IMA Institute members, we receive six issues per year as part of their membership subscription which is very useful. Apart from that we can access a wide and superb professional range of resources to help to develop our career as a brilliant Maths teacher. It is a part of a community of Maths passionistas and we get tremendous support and inspiration.
Collaboration, events, CPD and resources are all a part of the Maths Scholars Scheme
The Society is delighted to be able to continue working together to deliver great support for scholars over a two years period and beyond. They are Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), London Mathematical Society (LMS), Royal Statistical Society (RSS) and Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI). They will provide two years free membership of the IMA, LMS, RSS and MEI with associated benefits while also including access to resources and events, This helps us to become inspirational teachers and the future leaders in education. It’s such an exciting journey.
Scholars events are for recipients of the Maths teacher training scholarships. As well as the tax-free bursary, the scholars have access to CPD training events run by maths education specialists. This helps to get new ideas and able to recognise the potential and boost our confidence. In the event we get a opportunity to build a relationship with enthusiastic group of current and previous scholars. This is a great opportunity to collaborate and publish our skills. I really enjoy the feel good benefits of being maths scholar.
Put some colour into your teaching career!
I am really pleased to be part of the scholarship scheme and am looking forward to receiving advice and support from all of the Society. It was a fantastic award. It boosted my confidence in teacher training tremendously and gave me a sense of belonging to a community of likeminded individuals that provided me with amazing and invaluable support.
Amalee Dassanayake - Maths Scholar 2016-2017
If you want to make a difference why not apply to become a Maths Scholar