My First Day On My ITT Course - By Katie Liddell

Katie LiddellThe First week of university has been very stressful. There was so much that I didn’t know I didn’t know. I was meant to start in school on September the 1st, but Covid changed all of that. Jumping in all at once has been intense as there is nothing that you can do to improve yourself with the advice we are given in each session as we aren’t in schools to practice. We just have to hope that we will remember it all by the time that we go into school. 

In other ways it has been a great week though. I have had the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends and the university that I am at offers much more support to us than the university I attended for my undergraduate degree. The lecturers are friendly and welcomed us with smiling faces on the first day, well I think they were smiling but I couldn’t see under the mask. This however was clearly to put us at ease before they loaded us up with work. 

I didn’t believe people when they said that doing a PGCE was so much work, I thought how could it be more work than an engineering degree? I was wrong. The workload is like going from zero to one hundred in a day. After our first lecture we were given 4 pieces of homework to do for the day after which included lessons and lesson plans for two sessions, two maths tasks and a report to read and a response to write. This was all on top of the online lectures that we had to complete with tasks that afternoon. But, I think I have managed to get my head around all the work that needs completing at the end of each week, and if I manage to get done what needs doing in the week, I will have plenty of time at the weekend to relax and take some time for myself. 

By Katie Liddell

Image provided by author


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