Using Desmos for Statistics Webinar: A Review

Sharmin JoarderI heard about Desmos while searching for online resources, but I had no idea how to use it. When I received an email prior to the webinar from the Scholarships Team about having a Desmos account before attending the workshop, I immediately set up an account and spent about 20 minutes on it. I immediately realised this would be a great platform for the teachers to deliver lessons and assess students’ progress in all key stages. 

After attending Natalie Vernon’s workshop on using Desmos, I felt very confident using this software. I loved the workshop not just because I learnt to use Desmos and felt confident about it but also, I loved the fact that the workshop was well organised, the instructions were very clear to understand and informative. She actually kept everyone engaged during the session. 

She gave us a clear demonstration on how to use Desmos and took us through examples on averages and range, types of graphs using small and large data using desmos graphing calculator. Each slide had questions reflecting on how we interpret our results. She monitored our work throughout the workshop and provided us with the excel link that we needed while using the software. 

I like to use different online platforms while teaching. Desmos is going to be one of my favourite platforms that I am looking forward to use while teaching. 

In an attempt to improve the teaching and learning of statistics, it is vital to use the correct online platforms and adapt the right teaching strategies and Natalie Vernon has just introduced me with both. Her workshop made me feel confident using Desmos and will definitely add values to my teaching statistics as well as other areas in mathematics and I am finding myself in a situation where I am almost ready to introduce Desmos to my students. 

I like to thank the Scholarships Team for giving me the opportunity to learn about this amazing dynamic graphing software through Natalie Vernon’s outstanding workshop. I am looking forward to attending more workshops with her to learn more about Desmos as well as teaching style which I thought was second to none. 

By Sharmin Joarder

Image provided by author

Message from the Scholarship Team - You can apply to the Scholarships with a 2:2 degree classification, providing you can demonstrate 'significant relevant experience'. Also you can apply before completing your subject knowledge enhancement course. See our eligibility criteria on our About Us page and our FAQs.