Maths News and views UK
The results of the general election 2017 will be clear by the time you read this. But it’s interesting to know just how much maths and stats are behind the exit poll speculation as we await the real results. Watch this interesting video about just how skeptical people can be about stats. Let’s see if they are correct in 2017.

Is it time you thought about becoming a maths scholar?
Meanwhile the Maths Scholars Scholarship scheme has had an extremely busy year and we are also counting up the numbers. Right now we are having to put up the following message on our website:
The scheme had intended to stay open until the end of July
The current round of applications finishes on the 12th June
Due to overwhelming demand the scheme will close to applications once all the assessment centres are full which means we will shut before the end of July
At the current rate of applications we can’t be sure we’ll be open for very much longer at all
So the news is: If you have been thinking about applying to be a maths teacher and would like to make an application to be a Maths Scholar you are almost out of time. However, that means if you make an application over the weekend you may well be considered. If not ensure that you have your application ready for when we reopen in the autumn of 2017
Maths teachers can do just that creatively
If you are counting off the days to the end of the academic year then take a look at this article from TES. They assure us all that counting on your fingers can actually improve your maths capabilities. It’s not quite as straightforward as that of course. A new study suggests playing finger games is good for maths. Think of activities such as holding up a certain number of fingers – alongside number games like dominoes boosts youngsters' results in relation to counting and simple arithmetic.
In fact maths is having quite an impact on youngsters but not always in a good way it seems. Back in May children cried over their Maths SATS tests and so did the teachers. The general consensus of opinion was that the Maths SATS papers were fair but really quite tricky…a bit like life , but then is it always fair? That’s another topic for a heated debate.
Our current Maths Scholars are all teaching in schools right now and making a real difference. If you want to find out just how they have found their first year then you will find a whole raft of comment and opinion on our blog. From difficulties to excitement and all points between our scholars spill the beans about teaching maths in 2017. If you find their words inspiring then why not check out the scheme and either apply right now or be first off the blocks later in the year. The choice is yours.
Read the articles below...
15 worthwhile reasons to become a maths teacher
The truth about teaching maths by Michael Walden
Initial Teacher Training with Schools Direct
To apply to be a Maths Scholar read this