My story of being a Career Changer 

Matthew GandyI thought it would be interesting to share my story of being a career changer. I graduated in 2007 from the University of Edinburgh, with a degree in medicine. I then moved back home to Greater Manchester and worked as a hospital doctor in a number of different specialities, including Accident and Emergency and Psychiatry and Paediatrics. However, it was getting to know families and understanding how the dynamic between them and society impacted on their health, that really sparked my interest. I subsequently focused on General Practice and worked as a GP until 2019. I was privileged to work in that role, however, it was difficult, and so I took some time away to consider my future. 

During that time, I was asked by a friend to come into school to help with a Careers Day. That day changed my life. I felt a sense of passion and belonging that I had not felt before. I knew from then that I wanted to work as a teacher. I have always enjoyed mathematics, but I found it interesting that it can such a divisive subject. You will often hear people say, ‘I can't do maths’ but I believe, for most people, that this is not true. Following this careers day, I spent time in the schools Mathematics Department and every day I spent there reinforced my desire to go on and become a Mathematics teacher.

My application to study for a PGCE at The University of Manchester was successful, provided that I completed a subject knowledge enhancement course. I loved learning Mathematics again in a different way to how it was taught at my school and I flourished in an environment of like-minded people. It was here that I was encouraged to apply for the Maths Scholarship. As I didn't have a mathematics degree, I felt that it was unlikely that I would be successful, however, thankfully I was wrong. 

Initially, being a doctor and a teacher may seem quite different.  Actually, in a lot of ways, they are very similar. I feel like I have a lot of transferable skills that will make me an inspiring Mathematics teacher. I love working with young people and I am passionate about helping these young people reach their potential no matter their background. I understand, and have experience in dealing holistically with young people and their families, and I'm able to have empathy to their individual needs. I'm passionate about making education, and more specifically, Mathematics, accessible for all and teaching it in a way that inspires young people. 

By Matthew Gandy

Image provided by author

Message from the Scholarship Team - You can apply to the Scholarships with a 2:2 degree classification, providing you can demonstrate 'significant relevant experience'. Also you can apply before completing your subject knowledge enhancement course. See our eligibility criteria on our About Us page and our FAQs.