Starting My ITT

Starting a new university course is always exciting: not only is one afraid of the challenges to be faced soon, but there is also a pleasant feeling of adventure regarding what the future may bring.
Moving into a new (and much bigger) city, starting a new (and very different) course and, last – but by no means least –, realising that with a degree already in the bag, the slope towards the abyss of the job market and adulthood is becoming steeper and steeper with every step, I felt that way myself at the start of this year. It has added some pressure to the mix that Mathematics education has always been my passion and I was really looking forward to doing well in my Maths PGCE and wanted everything to work out well. Lastly, I expected the course to be very different from my undergraduate degree and so I wasn’t entirely sure what I was in for.
The start the course could not have been better to help me get rid of the above anxieties. Granted, from day-one the workload has been substantial and the challenges are indeed different from my previous degree, I have really enjoyed my time on the PGCE so far. It has become apparent that I will have to reassess my role as a student on this course as a far more pro-active attitude is required. Additionally, one has to be much more versatile than on other courses as the tasks are varied: from report-writing, through lesson planning, presentations and reading there is a lot to do, but I do believe that nothing of these will be useless for our future career.
From the preliminary primary school experience onwards the semester has been exciting and very instructive so far. I feel I have already learned a lot both as a person and as a professional thanks to the people I have worked and learned with. Early successes during the primary placement and managing to settle in nicely have helped me build up my confidence going into the course.
Everyone is exceptionally friendly and helpful: lecturers, mentors and peers alike. A key thing I would like to highlight – and I hope that this experience is shared by many undertaking the same course – is the inclusive and supportive atmosphere of the course. This is hugely a result of the students, who each have very different backgrounds, being motivated, engaged and open-minded, but also of the attitude displayed by members of staff both at the university and at the partner schools.
I consider myself very lucky to be enrolled on this course and would like to wish the best of luck to all student-teachers.
- By Botond Hajdara