My initial teacher training with School Direct

Is Being a Maths Teacher the career for you?
I had always fancied teaching but was a bit apprehensive after everything you read in the media. Eight months in and I am certain I made the right decision to take the School Direct route.
Be treated as a member of staff from the off
I have been based at my school since September and been treated as a member of staff here from day one. I have been fully immersed in school life including taking parents’ evening and participating in the year 7 residential (where I got to try abseiling!). There is maths club each week too.
I am teaching 50% of a full teacher’s timetable (12hours/week). That may not sound like much but it certainly keeps me busy. Especially when you add on the academic assignments, marking and the fact that planning takes a lot longer when you’re new; but I’m getting better. It helps to be super organised. (I cannot help thinking about the essay I really should be writing at the moment…)

I teach across the age range from year 7 to sixth form. Before I started, I thought I would favour A-level teaching but I have found that you can have great fun with the younger years. I get on well with my mentor and this makes all the difference. I have been trying to plan lessons that will really get my classes thinking so that they are discovering the maths for themselves. We have investigated surds and methods to solve simultaneous equations. It is surprising how much they know already or can figure out for themselves. Quite often lessons do not turn out quite as you expected but it feels great when a lesson goes brilliantly! Yes, this year has been hard work but it’s been rewarding and so much fun.

If you would like to discover more about becoming a Maths scholar then there is a wealth of information on our website to help you.
Find out about interview preparation here and also more Maths scholars interview tips here.