The first three weeks on my SCITT course
What a couple of weeks! On my first day, I arrived at the school feeling excited but apprehensive, when in reality I had nothing to worry about. Everyone was welcoming and I realised that all the other trainees were feeling the exact same as me. From the first day we were treated as teachers in the school and reminded that once all the teachers in the schools we would be training at were once trainees. After this introduction, I knew I was in safe hands and I had all the support I needed in order to succeed.

During the first week we found out the year plan and the way the course will be structured.
We also found out what we were expected to do with the dreaded paperwork. I think the key to success is to keep it up to date. We also went through the teaching standards which is how we will be assessed and learnt how to evidence that we are meeting them to gain QTS. Safeguarding, e-safety, health and safety and PREVENT training were also given so we knew the fundamentals of how to keep pupils safe and how to deal with concerns. Professional studies sessions started with the focus being on the theory of learning, setting expectations, incorporating numeracy and literacy into lessons, presence in the classroom and analysing data. To begin looking at maths we mapped the curriculum from KS1-KS4 to see how it develops. As you can see it was a very busy week with information overload! However, it was all very useful and I finally started to feel like I would be prepared when it came to going to my main placement school.
Now it is time for me to start at my main placement school
This week we have again had lots of professional study sessions. The focus this week was on: lesson structure, assessment, getting the learning to stick and the role of a mentor. We also had the chance to observe a lesson. I observed a year 8 low ability class who were working on worded multiplication problems. It was good to finally be in a classroom and it made me so excited to start at my placement school. I also met my subject course leader who is going to guide and support me on how to teach maths specifically. We received the details of what the PGCE assignments are and what is required to gain the qualification. This week was again a lot of information to process and I felt concerned that the work load was going to be too much but I’m ready for the challenge.
Now it is time for me to start at my main placement school. I’m excited but scared as this is where the real hard work begins but also the part I’ve been waiting for. Bring it on!
- By Sophie Churchard, Maths Scholar