Why Would You Encourage More People To Apply For The Scheme? - By Carys Bebbington

Carys Bebbington A lot of the maths trainees that I have met through my training either didn’t know about or discounted themselves for the maths scholarship scheme. The scheme is looking for passionate people who care about maths and care about communicating it well to the next generation. If you are thinking of going into teaching then you most likely love maths and want to teach it well. Being a maths scholar helps equip you to do this well and also helps to maintain the love for our subject.

The application process for this scheme involved a short application form followed by a day in London. The day consisted of an interview and a few group tasks and discussions. Everyone was friendly and it was a really nice and pleasant atmosphere. Even if I had not been successful at this event, the process itself gave me interview practice and also the opportunity to network with other trainee teachers. 

Having been a successful candidate on the scheme there have been many benefits to being a scholar. An extra £200 a month while I train is obviously helpful, but isn’t the only benefit. I have been able to meet like-minded people who love maths and want to become impactful teachers.  In addition to this, I have been able to attend maths days that explore creative teaching and exciting mathematics. You also get free food at these events… no complaints! A free trip to Bletchley park is the next trip and I look forward to the future events.
Feeling like you are part of a community of mathematicians who want to see maths come alive in their schools is extremely rewarding. I would encourage more people to apply for the scheme because it will enhance your training year in many ways. I in no way thought that I would be successful when I applied – I just gave it a shot. If you love maths and want to inspire young people then it is the scheme for you. You will be encouraged and built up by these events and the community that comes with it – so just apply and see what happens!

By Carys Bebbington

Image provided by author


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