The First Week on my ITT Course

Molly LillicrapI had a great first week on my SCITT course; all the students and staff were very welcoming! For the majority of the week, I observed lessons and made some notes whilst in those lessons. The time I was given for observation really helped me to settle in and get to know the school. Also, it meant that I get to know all of my classes before going on to teach them. I made notes and observations on a few different things, for example, behaviour management and types of activities.

Moreover, I acquired the seating plans from the teachers to help me learn the names of the class. This is important so that I can build a relationship with the students. I got to observe quite a few different teachers which was interesting and important to see - they all had different teaching styles and explained concepts in different ways - which was useful to observe.

Furthermore, I have observed a variety of different year groups, which is important for me, as when I become a teacher I will be expected to teach all year groups. It was interesting to see how a teacher will change their teaching style for the different year groups.

Finally, often when you are observing a lesson you can see/hear the misunderstandings that students pick up. Therefore, you can see how a teacher comes to deal with these misunderstandings. Also, if you remember these errors and understand why the student has got to this misunderstanding, then when it comes to teaching you can try to prevent these misunderstandings from occurring.

Overall, I had a great first week and can’t wait to start my second week!

By Molly Lillicrap

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