Tell Us About Your Experience Of The Online Assessment As Part Of Your Application To The Maths Scholarships
I was selected for the 2022/23 Mathematics Scholarships as a graduate in BSc Economics. My experience of the online assessment was made very easy; it consisted of a 45-minute online assessment (without a subject knowledge test) exactly in line with a preparation brief sent a week in advance. The assessment is similar to an informal interview. The assessors were so nice to meet and were easy to talk to. After the assessment I was glad I attended.
I would strongly recommend everyone who is looking to to train as a Mathematics teacher to apply as soon as you hear about it. Some of the features of being a Mathematics scholar are: resource access to help plan lessons, support from mentors and peers, access to professional development webinars, group motivation to be the best Mathematics teacher. There is so much more and being apart of a scholarship definitely adds to the experience of entering teacher training!
By Maths Scholar 2022/23
Message from the Scholarship Team
You can apply to the Scholarships with a 2:2 degree classification, providing you can demonstrate 'significant relevant experience'. Also you can apply before completing your subject knowledge enhancement course. See our eligibility criteria on our About Us page and our FAQs.
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