How Do You Envisage The Maths Scholarship Supporting You Through Your Initial Teacher Training?
When first researching the Maths Scholarship, I imagine most peoples’ eyes are immediately drawn to the financial incentives offered through the scheme. Whilst this is obviously a fantastic benefit, as I’ve discovered over the last two months, there are a plethora of other benefits I’ve already been able to access as part of the program.
For example, I’ve been able to become a member of a large community of trainee maths teachers who are in the same position as me. At this very early stage in my career, I have found it very useful and reassuring to share my experiences and hear how my peers are navigating similar situations in their own schools. Similarly, unlike other groups of trainee teachers that exist solely online, this scheme will allow me to network and meet my peers face-to-face at the upcoming CPD events. In addition to having the opportunity to connect with like-minded trainee teachers, I’m also very keen to attend these sessions to learn from experienced professionals about topics essential to becoming an effective teacher.
On a day-to-day basis, another benefit of being a scholar is the free access to online teaching resources such as MEI’s Integral and the STEM Learning website. Both of these resources have been incredibly useful. In particular, I have found them invaluable when it comes to planning activities for upcoming lessons. Moreover, as someone who’s career goal is to teach A-Level maths, I have found Integral particularly useful when it comes to refreshing my memory of certain topics.
Finally, I have found the free membership of the IMA to be incredibly worthwhile so far. Their magazine, Mathematics Today, has been a particular highlight, as it is full of interesting articles about both the real-world applications of maths and maths teaching. For example, there was a great article in their October issue discussing remote maths teaching in schools during the height of the pandemic. As this was prior to my own teaching career, it was useful to gain an insight into how this impacted the learning experience of students, particularly as the effects of this are still being felt in my classes nearly two years on.
Overall, my experience of being a maths teacher training scholar has been overwhelming positive so far and I’m certain it will be a great investment in my professional development. I’m really excited to continue to learn and get as much as I can out of the program for the rest of the academic year!
By Jake Sandy

Message from the Scholarship Team
You can apply to the Scholarships with a 2:2 degree classification, providing you can demonstrate 'significant relevant experience'. Also you can apply before completing your subject knowledge enhancement course. See our eligibility criteria on our About Us page and our FAQs.
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