How Do You Envisage The Maths Scholarship Supporting You Through Your Initial Teacher Training?
I remember when I was initially considering medicine as a career, an event took place which completely changed my structure of thinking regarding career. I’d booked an appointment with a local GP and 5 minutes into the conversation he’d said I was fine. The rest of the 25 minutes were spent of him, giving me reasons why I shouldn’t pursue medicine as a career and I was better off doing something else!
This really surprised me because I was expecting a response that was enthusiastic and encouraging. But as I talked to more people, I kept getting a similar response regardless of the career. What I’m trying to say is that it’s difficult to find individuals who are enthusiastic about their careers and who really have a passion for what they’re doing every day.
Going into teaching as my first career, I see the Maths Scholarship as the opportunity to network with trainees who are passionate about teaching mathematics. Not only that but it’s a good way to find out the different reasons for why people choose teaching. Expanding my social network and creating links with other Scholars was my main aspiration when applying for Maths Scholarship. This could only have been done during the training year & will allow me to remain in contact with scholars even after my ITT course.
The ITT year also aims to equip trainees with skills such as lesson planning. The Maths Scholarship has a dedicated event regarding resources which will facilitate this process. The wider access of resources for maths scholars such as MEI’s Integral gives a special boost, especially for those who will have one of their placements in a college, teaching A-Level Mathematics. This CPD along with other practical workshops aims to better equip the scholars with skills that are essential for teaching maths.
The Maths Scholarships also supports Scholars through webinars & online common rooms. Topics such as ‘Developing Positive Classroom Culture in Mathematics’ is something that scholars may have never heard of before. Attending webinars like these can help to broadens the view on teaching which as a young trainee is really valuable and eye opening. Questioning my own teaching approach and experimenting is very important because during the ITT year, trainee is allowed to make mistakes and see what methods work for them and which don’t.
In short, the scholarship supports the ITT year by providing the scholar will a broad mindset and practical skills which the scholar can use in their own practice to improve their teaching where they feel it’s necessary.
By Taimoor Anser
Message from the Scholarship Team
You can apply to the Scholarships with a 2:2 degree classification, providing you can demonstrate 'significant relevant experience'. Also you can apply before completing your subject knowledge enhancement course. See our eligibility criteria on our About Us page and our FAQs.
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