My PGCE Experience
I’m 3 months into the PGCE and so far, I am loving every moment of it. I was a bit unsure on how it would be when I first signed up but now I know it was the right choice for me.
The PGCE starts like a normal university course. We go to university to have lectures and seminars which start to prepare us to think about teaching. You would not believe how much thought goes into teaching. You’ll learn about questioning, which is figuring out what to ask, when to ask it, who to ask it to, how you’re going to ask it and most importantly why.
You’ll learn about modelling, which is what are you going to show your class, how much help is too much help, how much help is not enough, is your demonstration clear and does it address all the mistakes that could be made. You’ll learn about how to be a presence in the classroom, including how to articulate your voice to be clear and commanding, where to stand to promote the best behaviour in the classroom, how to appear approachable so that student's will feel that they can trust you. There is so much more than this, but that is a taste.
You’ll be reading research about all of this from decades ago but also research that was completed last year. New and old coming together to create the best teacher experience possible. While doing this at university, you’ll be introduced to a team of peers all going through the same thing, you will form a tight community and be invaluable resources for each other with all the different experiences you have.
After about a month at university you’ll start a placement at a local school. At first, you’ll just be observing how other teachers do things, getting used to being an adult in a classroom. Then gradually you will start getting more involved with the classes you are in. Maybe demonstrating an example at the front of the room or helping students individually when they are stuck. Then you’ll start solo teaching a class, learning to balance planning the best lessons possible with learning to plan quickly so it doesn’t overpower your whole life.
Then when you’re ready you can take over other classes. You can get involved with extra-curricular activities. You can be involved with a tutor group. Everything with the PGCE is done gradually and there is lots of support so that you will never feel overwhelmed. It was the right decision for me, could it be for you?
By Sam Wainwright
Message from the Scholarship Team
You can apply to the Scholarships with a 2:2 degree classification, providing you can demonstrate 'significant relevant experience'. Also you can apply before completing your subject knowledge enhancement course. See our eligibility criteria on our About Us page and our FAQs.
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